Visit Goyave from Guadeloupe in 3 days + tips!

Explore Goyave in 3 days! Delight in the finest foods and tips from Guadeloupe’s captivating city. your Travel guide!

🌴 Welcome to Goyave, Guadeloupe! 🌺

Goyave is a charming town located in Guadeloupe, a beautiful Caribbean island. Known for its lush greenery, stunning beaches, and vibrant culture, Goyave is the perfect destination for a tropical getaway.

Some of the main attractions in Goyave include the beautiful Plage de Petite Anse beach, the picturesque Cascade aux Ecrevisses waterfall, and the historic Eglise Saint-Joseph church.

Get ready to explore this hidden gem in the Caribbean! 🌴🌞

Explore Goyave, Guadeloupe on Google Maps

See also other travel plans:

🌴 Day 1 in Goyave, Guadeloupe 🌺

1. Plage de Petite Anse

Located on the northern coast of Goyave, Plage de Petite Anse is a stunning beach with golden sands and crystal-clear waters. It’s the perfect spot to relax, swim, and soak up the sun.

More information about Plage de Petite Anse

2. Cascade aux Ecrevisses

Cascade aux Ecrevisses is a beautiful waterfall nestled in the lush tropical forest near Goyave. Take a refreshing dip in the cool waters and enjoy the natural beauty surrounding you.

More information about Cascade aux Ecrevisses

3. Eglise Saint-Joseph

The Eglise Saint-Joseph is a historic church in the heart of Goyave. Admire the beautiful architecture and learn about the cultural significance of this religious site.

More information about Eglise Saint-Joseph

🌴 Day 2 in Goyave, Guadeloupe 🌺

1. Parc National de la Guadeloupe

Explore the Parc National de la Guadeloupe, a stunning national park that is home to lush rainforests, majestic waterfalls, and diverse wildlife. Don’t forget your hiking shoes!

More information about Parc National de la Guadeloupe

2. Domaine de Severin Distillery

Visit the Domaine de Severin Distillery to learn about the process of making rum, a popular drink in Guadeloupe. Enjoy a tasting session and pick up some souvenirs to take home.

More information about Domaine de Severin Distillery

3. Les Jardins de Valombreuse

Discover the beautiful botanical gardens of Les Jardins de Valombreuse, where you can stroll among exotic plants, colorful flowers, and serene ponds. A perfect place for nature lovers!

More information about Les Jardins de Valombreuse

🌴 Day 3 in Goyave, Guadeloupe 🌺

1. Plage de la Perle

Spend a relaxing day at Plage de la Perle, a beautiful beach known for its calm waters and stunning sunsets. Perfect for swimming, sunbathing, and enjoying the tropical vibes.

More information about Plage de la Perle

2. Musee du Cafe Chaulet

Visit the Musee du Cafe Chaulet to learn about the history of coffee production in Guadeloupe. Explore the exhibits, taste different coffee blends, and appreciate the cultural significance of this beverage.

More information about Musee du Cafe Chaulet

3. Marche de Basse-Terre

Wrap up your trip with a visit to Marche de Basse-Terre, a bustling market where you can sample local fruits, spices, and crafts. Immerse yourself in the vibrant atmosphere and pick up some souvenirs to remember your time in Goyave.

More information about Marche de Basse-Terre

See also other travel plans:

🍽️ Must-Try Foods in Goyave, Guadeloupe 🌴

1. Accras

Accras are delicious fritters made with salted cod, herbs, and spices. These crispy bites are a popular snack in Guadeloupe and perfect for enjoying by the beach.

Recipe for Accras

2. Colombo de Poulet

Colombo de Poulet is a flavorful chicken curry dish with a blend of spices, coconut milk, and vegetables. It’s a comforting and aromatic meal that reflects the Creole influence in Guadeloupean cuisine.

Recipe for Colombo de Poulet

3. Bokit

Bokit is a popular Guadeloupean sandwich made with fried dough filled with various ingredients like fried fish, chicken, avocado, and spicy sauces. It’s a hearty and flavorful street food that you must try in Goyave.

More information about Bokit

🌟 Travel Tips for Visiting Goyave, Guadeloupe 🌴

🌺 Embrace the laid-back island vibes and take your time to explore the natural beauty of Goyave.

🍹 Don’t miss the opportunity to try local rum cocktails and fresh fruit juices during your stay.

🌞 Remember to pack sunscreen, a hat, and insect repellent as you’ll be spending a lot of time outdoors.

🛍️ Support local artisans by shopping for handmade crafts and souvenirs at the markets in Goyave.

🚗 Consider renting a car to explore the island at your own pace and discover hidden gems off the beaten path.

Enjoy your tropical adventure in Goyave! 🌴🌺🌞

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Do you have any comments, ideas, tips, or guidance? Feel free to write it in the comments below. 🙂

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